
Dealing with a child who steals — whether it's the first time or an ongoing issue — is confusing and frustrating. You might ask, "Why is my child stealing when we taught him it's wrong?"

Kids use a lot of faulty thinking when they steal. They tell themselves it doesn’t hurt anyone, or that it's okay for them to take what they want because no one will miss it. They may not see how stealing from family members is still considered theft. In most instances, these kids lack effective problem solving skills.

Mom talking with son about stealing

Kids Who Steal: What You Need To Know



Has your child been caught stealing from you or someone else? Have you found them using your credit card for online gaming, taking money from your wallet without asking, or even taking big-ticket items from your house? The anger, disappointment, and lack of trust you feel can be destructive to your relationship. Empowering Parents coach... Read more »

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