
Disrespect from children and teens can be shown in a variety of ways - the most common being backtalk, complaining, arguing, attitude, or just plain ignoring. These are all faulty tools that children and teens may use to express displeasure about a limit that was set, avoid a task they don’t want to do, or try to gain control in a situation where they feel powerless. These faulty tools work for kids when parents argue back, engage in a power struggle, or take their words personally. Below are some parenting articles and resources to help you learn how to deal with disrespectful kids.

Mother and teenage daughter sitting together calmly

Disrespectful Child or Teen? 5 Things Not To Do as a Parent



Eye rolling, curses, insults, backtalk, name-calling, ignored requests, snide comments: disrespect from your child or teen comes in many different forms. If you’re struggling with disrespectful behavior from your kids, you’re not alone: this is one of the biggest topics of conversation between parents and our online parent coaches. The truth is, disrespectful behavior is one... Read more »

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Disrespectful Child Behavior: Where to Draw the Line



I believe the distinction between mild rebelliousness and disrespect has to be drawn very clearly. But, as a parent, how do you know for sure if your child’s behavior has crossed the line and become truly disrespectful? And what should you do when they cross the line? When a child is being rude or complaining that... Read more »

Disrespectful teen girl rolling her eyes at her mom

Sassy Kids: How to Deal With a Mouthy Child



Most kids go through phases where they are sassy, sarcastic, mouthy, or disrespectful. As a parent, it's hard to know when to let it slide and when to address the problem. That's why parents often ask me the following: "How do you differentiate between disrespectful, sassy, or fresh language and abusive language?" These behaviors are... Read more »

Mom reacting to her teen daughter mocking her

Kids Who Mock, Imitate, and Make Fun of Parents



Does your child mock or make fun of you? Mocking, imitating, and laughing at parents can be harmless fun, but it can also become an annoying behavior that undermines your authority. Some kids make a game of teasing their parents. There are two contexts in which kids can mock, imitate, or laugh at you. One is... Read more »

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