Child Behavior Problems

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Power Struggles: Are You at War with a Defiant Child?



Do you ever feel as if your relationship with your child has become one long, drawn-out (and exhausting) power struggle? If you're in this situation, it probably seems like you simply progress from nagging your child over dirty laundry on the floor in the morning to arguing over bedtime at night. As they get older,... Read more »

boy pointing finger gun

When Your Child Uses Anger as a Weapon



From young children to teens, James Lehman, MSW explains why your child is in trouble if he or she uses anger and acting out behavior to control others. When children use anger to get what they want, it can feel for all the world like they're pointing a loaded weapon at you. As a parent, you... Read more »

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Do You Tiptoe Around Your Child?



There's a difference between being considerate of your child and tiptoeing around them. We all want to be considerate of our children. If there are things that our children have to face in life that are upsetting to them, then we want to be considerate in terms of the intensity and frequency of how often... Read more »

Two brothers fighting

Sibling Rivalry: Good Kid vs. Bad Kid



As an advisor to parent coaching, I frequently hear calls involving sibling rivalry conflicts. An important thing to remember is that sibling rivalry is a normal emotional state in children. Children compete with each other for their parent’s approval and affection. In fact, adult children still can feel competitive about their parents’ attention. One of... Read more »

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