Substance Abuse & Risky Behavior

It can be very difficult to deal with a child who is abusing substances or engaging in risky behaviors. Your child has broken your trust and is making choices that are potentially putting him/her in harm's way. This is something no parent ever wants for their child. Fortunately, there are things you do to guide your child’s behavior in a better direction. In the articles below, you'll find expert advice on child and teenage substance abuse and risky behavior in children.

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Mother looking disapprovingly at teen daughter who violated her trust

Risky Teen Behavior: Can You Trust Your Child Again?



Do you feel like your child has messed up so badly that you might never be able to trust him again? Has he wrecked the car, been caught drinking or using drugs, stolen something from school, or gotten involved in vandalism? As a parent, you are probably feeling hurt, embarrassed, and disappointed—and you wonder, “Will... Read more »

Mother talking with teen daughter

How to Talk to Your Child About Marijuana: 4 Responses for Parents



In 2014, Colorado voters in the United States passed a landmark law legalizing the sale and purchase of marijuana. Fast-forward to 2020 and more than 40 states have laws legalizing marijuana is some form, including several states that have made possession and recreational use legal. Canada legalized marijuana in 2018 and similar movements are underway... Read more »

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hand on a door nob of a parent

Teens and Privacy: Should I Spy on My Child?



Parents often wonder how much privacy their children need and ask me if it's okay to violate it. Personally, I believe there should be a direct link between the amount of responsibility, consistency, and honesty that kids show and the amount of privacy they're allowed to have. But, before we get to the subject of... Read more »

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