Consequences & Rewards

Do you ever wonder if you're giving the right consequences? Perhaps you don't feel like it's having an effect on your child's behavior. And are natural consequences for children always the best thing? The experts at Empowering Parents explain the right way to give consequences to your child and teen—and the importance of giving rewards.

“Which Consequence Should I Give My Child or Teen?” How to Create a List of Consequences and Rewards for Children



What is the best consequence to use for a particular behavior? This is probably the most common question we receive during our online parent coaching sessions. Parents wonder which consequences to use, how to set them up effectively, and how long to give them. A great way to start figuring out the right consequences for your situation... Read more »

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Mother stating consequences to her defiant son

Kids Who Ignore Consequences: 10 Ways to Make Them Stick



Does your child ignore every consequence you give him? James Lehman can help with 10 specific ways to make consequences work—even for the most resistant child. When kids are faced with something unpleasant, they'll often act like it doesn't matter to them. When your child says, “I don't care,” or seems unaffected when you give him... Read more »

Mom giving teen consequences

How to Give Kids Consequences That Work



You can’t punish your child into better behavior. Forget about over-the-top punishments or ineffective rules because you'll just end up in a power struggle. The right consequences actually motivate your child to good behavior. They put you back in control and teach your child how to problem-solve, giving your child the skills needed to be... Read more »

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Free Downloadables! Child Behavior Charts: How to Use Them Effectively



When families call parent coaching, just about every call we get involves a question about consequences. Many parents struggle to find effective consequences while overlooking the importance of using rewards. We recommend establishing rewards or "incentive systems" for kids, which can be done easily using a behavior chart. Behavior charts are important to consider for several... Read more »

Giving Kids Consequences: Exercise as Punishment



Why is using exercise as a punishment ineffective?  What's wrong with having kids run laps, or do some push-ups?  There are frequent news stories about childhood obesity, so why don’t we recommend using exercise as a way to address acting-out behavior? Let’s talk for a moment about the difference between consequences and... Read more »

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