Picture of Joan Munson, PhD


Joan Munson, PhD

Joan Munson, PhD is co-author of the book 50 Plus One: Great Life Lessons to Teach Your Children.

Dr. Munson is the author of more than a dozen articles on our site.


Dr. Munson has worked with incarcerated individuals, families, adolescents, and college students in a variety of settings, including county and city jails, community mental health centers, university counseling centers, and hospitals. She also has a background in individual, group, and couples counseling. Dr. Munson lives in Colorado with her husband and three energetic children. She currently has a private practice in Boulder where she sees adults, couples and adolescents.


Dr. Munson received her Ph.D. from The University of Denver, her Master of Arts degree in Community Counseling from George Washington University, and her Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from the University of Illinois.

A Word from Joan Munson, PhD

“Loving our kids is a primary parenting goal, but it is equally important to recognize that you can love your child without feeling like they always need to be happy and content.”

Media Mentions

Dr. Munson was quoted on Parents.com in “Back-Talk Boot Camp: Stop the Sass” by Vicki Glembocki.

Dr. Munson was quoted in the WebMD.com digital magazine in “Calming Tiny Nerves” by Gina Shaw.

Articles by Joan Munson, PhD

Young Kids and Back-to-School Anxiety: How to Shrink it Down to Size



As the start of the school year approaches, have you seen your first grader go into meltdown mode at the mention of school, or watched your soon-to-be kindergartner regress back to baby talking and thumb sucking? Rest assured that you’re not alone. Each fall, millions of parents deal with their children’s beginning-of-the-year anxiety. For younger children... Read more »

Teenager with depression

Teen Moodiness: Is It Normal or Is It Depression?


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Your teen prefers to sleep until noon. She is crabby when she wakes up, would rather talk to the dog than you. She isolates herself in her room for hours at a time. Does she have depression? Or is this normal teenager behavior? It's perfectly normal for teens to be moody, irritable, overly sensitive, and withdrawn.... Read more »

Cyberbullying: What Every Parent Should Know



Bullying incidents are no longer limited to the playground or the locker room. Cyberbullying, the latest form of bullying sweeping across middle and high schools, is pervasive. And the recent rash of suicides by kids who’ve been mercilessly cyberbullied certainly sets off alarm bells. Keeping up with technology can seem overwhelming and induce a sense... Read more »

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Mother talking with teen daughter

How to Talk to Your Child About Marijuana: 4 Responses for Parents



In 2014, Colorado voters in the United States passed a landmark law legalizing the sale and purchase of marijuana. Fast-forward to 2020 and more than 40 states have laws legalizing marijuana is some form, including several states that have made possession and recreational use legal. Canada legalized marijuana in 2018 and similar movements are underway... Read more »

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Defiant Young Children and Toddlers: 5 Things Not to Do



Do you ever find yourself wondering, “When will this child stop defying me and start doing what I ask?” “I won’t do it!”...“You can’t make me!”...“I’m not going!” It can be incredibly frustrating, not to mention exhausting, dealing with a young child or toddler who finds it necessary to challenge your every request, act in a... Read more »

young adult on parent's couch eating and drinking

Adult Child Living at Home Driving You Crazy?



Do you have an adult child living at home who’s driving you crazy in one way or another? Do they seem unable to do chores around the house, contribute financially, or be respectful? If so, you are not alone. In recent years, the old expectation that kids will move on and out of the house has... Read more »

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