Articles by James Lehman, MSW - page 3

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Mother stating consequences to her defiant son

Kids Who Ignore Consequences: 10 Ways to Make Them Stick



Does your child ignore every consequence you give him? James Lehman can help with 10 specific ways to make consequences work—even for the most resistant child. When kids are faced with something unpleasant, they'll often act like it doesn't matter to them. When your child says, “I don't care,” or seems unaffected when you give him... Read more »

Teenage boy in leather coat and ballcap looking defiant

8 Ways to Manage Acting-Out Kids



Kids who are getting high, stealing, shoplifting, and acting out are making bad choices that may affect them for the rest of their lives. If your child is making these bad choices, it needs to change. But, unless something dramatic happens, people stay on the course they set during adolescence. And if the course of... Read more »

Teenage boy showing disrespect

Is It an Adolescent Phase—or Out-of-Control Behavior?



How do you know if your child is going through an adolescent phase or if their out-of-control behavior is here to stay? "Every teen goes through this," you tell yourself. But in the back of your mind, you wonder if your child's disrespect, acting-out, and destructive behaviors are normal. When you're a parent, it's troubling and... Read more »

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Father and son and a culture of accountability

I Love My Child…But Sometimes I Can’t Stand Him



You'd do anything for your child, but you feel guilty about admitting the truth, even to yourself. The truth is, sometimes you don't like your child very much. It's a secret that many parents of acting-out kids share but rarely confess to anyone. When parents say they don't like their child, I think that dislike almost... Read more »

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