Articles by Sara Bean, M.Ed. - page 2

Mom and adolescent son

4 Tips To Get Kids To Clean Their Rooms



"My 13-year-old daughter's bedroom is a complete mess. It looks like a tornado just ripped through it. And when I ask her politely to clean it up, she either ignores me or throws a fit!" If this sounds like your child, you're not alone. Many parents who use the Empowering Parents coaching service complain about... Read more »

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Mom turning away from teen daughter who is yelling at her.

How to Walk Away From a Fight With Your Child



You’ve probably heard these words of advice before: “Just walk away when your child is trying to pull you into a fight.” Kids argue with their parents all the time and, in many cases, it's tolerable and normal. But when your child becomes disrespectful, starts to yell or swear, or becomes irate and won't calm down,... Read more »

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